Center News


Fall & Spring Semester Semester
Monday-Thursday: 10am-7pm
Friday: 9-12noon
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 4pm-8pm

DeNell, Communication Consultant

My name is DeNell and my favorite Speaking Center story is actually a CST 390 story. During this class, I met nine consultants-in-training. 

In taking this course, we learned a lot about how to conduct ourselves in the Speaking Center as well as how to assist other students with their oral presentations, English speaking skills, interview skills, and more. 

During the fall semester that this class met, we all grew very close. We made a group chat so that we could keep in close contact with each other in case we needed help with assignments, needed to know information about the Speaking Center, or anything regarding CST 390. 

Our relationship as a class was unlike any other class that I have been a student in. From the first day to the last, we stuck together in making sure that we were all on the right track and had all the tools we needed to be successful whether it was about homework, Speaking Center events, or announcements from our director. 

Being this close with my classmates has been a great experience. We pushed each other to do well on all assignments, we picked up each other’s slack if one of us was having an off day, and we always made sure to lift each other up when one of us felt discouraged. 

This is my favorite CST 390 story and one day soon I’ll have a favorite Speaking Center Story. 

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