Center News


Fall & Spring Semester Semester
Monday-Thursday: 10am-7pm
Friday: 9-12noon
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 4pm-8pm

Joshua, Communication Consultant

My favorite speaking center story was during one of the evening Tuesday shifts. It was a slow shift with no consultations or any downtime assignments for the hour. The other consultants there were Abbie, Ah’Nieya, Kyiah, and Ireland. We decided to take turns giving improv speeches. Well, originally Kyiah began to emulate being a speaker practicing a speech in a consultation, but we all ended up listening intently as if it was the real thing. In a similar fashion, at the end of both speeches (we only had time for two), we started giving feedback as we would have in any other consultation. It was fun listening to the creativity of the improv and having a chance to give feedback on each other. The great part was that we got a good feel of each other’s consulting styles which will help if we ever have to work with each other.

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