Center News


Fall & Spring Semester Semester
Monday-Thursday: 10am-7pm
Friday: 9-12noon
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 4pm-8pm

Joy W., Managing Consultant

Although I really love working at the Speaking Center and have had a lot of great consultations, some of my favorites have been working with Interlink and exchange students. I had developed some really good relationships with the speakers and was always excited to hear what new thing they had done every week. During the same semester I started working with these speakers, I joined the Global Leadership Challenge and was really nervous to go to the first workshop by myself. When I got there, I sat alone. However, after a few minutes, some of the speakers I had talked with and some of their friends came in and sat with me! They were all so nice and made me feel comfortable in a new situation because I had done the same thing for them.

The situation reminded me that we work with people, not students or speakers, and that we never know when we’ve done something for others that will come back to us in the future. Take the opportunity today to be kind to someone because you never know when the situation might be the other way!

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