Center News


Fall & Spring Semester Semester
Monday-Thursday: 10am-7pm
Friday: 9-12noon
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 4pm-8pm

Olivia, Communication Consultant

My Speaking Center story began with my interview with Lauren for CST 390.  I felt nervous to be interviewing for a class but ultimately knew why the interview was important.  I began my CST 390 class and felt very overwhelmed with the assignments and the work. It was difficult to balance shadowing at the center, the assignments, leading class and all of the other things that come with 390.  One Friday, I was leading class and I talked about a growth mindset, and Jenny recognized how important this was. This experience and affirmation reminded me of why I wanted to work at the center and our mission. In my following semesters at the center, I have been excited to share experiences with my fellow consultants as we support speakers through their ongoing process of becoming a confident speaker.  The Speaking Center and my peers here have helped me to feel comfortable in who I am as a consultant and beyond. We talk a lot about Speaking Center stories and I love them all very much. I am just as excited, however, to know that the Speaking Center is part of my story.

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